Pioneer SX-450
The smallest receiver in the Pioneer lineup during the mid to late 70’s was the Pioneer SX-450. These entry level receivers were only rated at 15 watts per channel but were still built with quality …
Vintage Receivers From The 70s and 80s
The smallest receiver in the Pioneer lineup during the mid to late 70’s was the Pioneer SX-450. These entry level receivers were only rated at 15 watts per channel but were still built with quality …
This little entry level receiver from the 60’s is an Allied Model 333. It’s basically a re-badged Pioneer SX-34 and was also marketed as a Knight Model 333. Certainly not chock full of features but …
You’ll recognize this receiver by its styling as a late 70’s Pioneer. In fact, it’s the Pioneer SX-1080, a direct descendant of the SX-1050. The SX-1050 was produced in 1976-1977 while the SX-1080 showed up …
The Marantz 4240 is one of their Quadraphonic offerings in the 4xxx series. The Model 4240 is a high quality stereo + quadradial receiver and incorporates Marantz’s exclusive Vari-matrix circuit which simulates 4-channel sound from …
Ahhh…another classic Marantz. I know there are some audiophiles out there that feel Marantz receivers are over rated and over priced. Perhaps, but they ooze vintage audio. Their distinct industrial look and design sets them …
This Marantz 2226B receiver has the classic vintage Marantz look that most collectors can spot from a hundred feet away. I’ve been driving past garage sales before and spotted a Marantz receiver from half a …
Wow, there’s something about the black faced receivers that makes them stand out. A few of the receiver manufacturers produced dark faced models during the mid to late 70’s. Most were produced for the European …
I’ve always though that Tandberg built some of the nicest looking receivers during the late 70’s. This Tandberg TR-2080 is no exception. The sleek design and logical layout are enhanced by it’s lighting scheme. Originally …
The Marantz 4400 is a classic quadraphonic 4 channel receiver into which Marantz pretty much threw everything they had. Offered from about 1974 until 1978, it pushed out 125 watts RMS per channel into 8 …
The Pioneer QX-949 is one of Pioneer’s larger quadraphonic receivers and was top of the line when it was introduced in 1973. This was mainly due to the fact that it had essentially all the …
Sony’s STR-V line was export only from Japan and sold well in Europe. Didn’t sell quite as well in the U.S. This Sony STR-V3 was made in 1978 and featured 35 watts per channel. It …
This is a unique early Pioneer FM-R301 Audio Master monophonic receiver. It was produced around 1959 by Fukuin electronics as they were making their transition into the Pioneer name brand. It has very mid-century styling …
The McIntosh MAC 1500, introduced in 1965, is essentially a hybrid amplifier with a solid state preamp section, tube output section and FM tuner. It is a fairly rare piece of equipment as only around …
Ahhh…the beautiful look of the late 70’s Sansui receivers. The warm golden glow from the dial and meter lights and the smorgasbord of buttons, knobs, and switches below. It’s a stereo lovers delight. The best …
This is a nice Acoustic Research Model R receiver. It’s style shows a little from the 60’s and a hint in to the 70’s. Of course, it was manufactured in the early 70’s and retailed …