This little entry level receiver from the 60’s is an Allied Model 333. It’s basically a re-badged Pioneer SX-34 and was also marketed as a Knight Model 333. Certainly not chock full of features but it does have the basics. The Pioneer version was sold in Japan while the Allied version was sold in the U.S. The Model 333 retailed for about $129.95 in 1969 and you could add an optional wood case for another $14.95. It is rated at 12 watts per channel which isn’t too bad for a tube amplifier. As you can see it looks very similar to the Pioneer SX-34 shown below.

The Model 333 has an interesting “Tuning Eye” that was somewhat popular among tube receivers of the 60’s. It is basically a tube laying horizontally inside the receiver that would get brighter as the tuning signal got stronger. Probably very cool in the late 1960’s – it’s actually even pretty cool now.

The 333 has a headphone jack on the front panel along with a speaker off switch to mute the speakers when listening through headphones. It also features a wide slide rule tuning dial that accommodates FM stereo, FM monaural and AM.

The Allied 333 is a full push-pull tube receiver, not a hybrid, and has 13 tubes not including the tuning eye tube. From what I can see there are:
4 – 6BM8’s (8J)
2 – 6BA6’s (8J)
1 – 6BE6 (9E)
1 – 6AU6 (9E)
1 – 6AQ8 (9F)
1 – 6AQ8 (9D)
1 – 6AN8 (9L)
2 – 12AX7’s (8L)
The wiring underneath the panel is an ugly mess and I wouldn’t want to have to do much restoration work there. It weighs in at around 28 pounds without the wood case. Add another 5 pounds for the wood case.

All tube receivers are collectible. Even the bottom of the line or “entry level” units are in demand. So, even the little Allied 333 gets some attention when it comes up for auction.
I Have An Allied 333 w/wood case works well, but Speaker Mute switch Broken so I Bypassed It. Thanks For the Info on It!
I just bought a Allied 333 at at fun and unique surplus store for $2.50 (Untested – priced for parts). It is missing all front knobs and two knob posts are broken. The glass is also broke. But beyond that the unit is complete and in surprisingly good shape (leading me to believe that the unit took a unfortunate fall onto its face at some point). I still need to give it a good cleaning and inspection before I attempt to power it up. (Wish me luck) nonetheless, even if the unit is dead, I feel that even for parts I got it for a steal.:-)
Yeah, that is a steal. I’ve done that many times with damaged units. Part them out and use the money to buy something you want.
Question for you man, can you tell me the order the preamp tubes go in on this guy? I had a dead preamp tube, one of the 6BA6s on my model, and I may have swapped it into the wrong spot, because one of my power tubes is overheating. I can’t find a diagram anywhere on the web that lists which tubes go where.
Hmmm…I’m not sure. You should post over at AudioKarma.org. I know I saw someone that had the schematic for that receiver. Quite a few guys on that board have the 333 so one of them should be able to tell you the tube layout. Good luck!
It should be marked on the chassis.
I just became reacquainted with my old 333 that I purchased brand new in about 1970.
I was about 15 years old at the time and deeply in love with great sound and music at the time. Purchased at an Allied radio Shack store near Mayfair WI (Metro Milwaukee)
My younger brother just passed at the age of 55. I had given this receiver and a pair of Optimus V 4 way speakers to him just be fore I went into the USAF. (I the bought Super Big Audio gear while in south east Asia)
His wife asked in I wanted “this dirty old thing” that was laying without respect on a shelf in the garage. Of course!
Now I would like to restore it. Cabinet has surface rust. Almost afraid to look inside!
Will be back for to glean and add info here!
How was the restoration? Am beginning my project… hopefully I can get some tips.
I just came across an unbelievable 333 that with the exception of some lettering around the volume knob looks brand new Everything appears to work except for the stereo light and powers up and sounds fine This is one neat little receiver that looks like it has been in a time capsule
I have my Allied model 333 along with the installation and operating instructions that I purchased in 1969. I haven’t powered it up in years. I’m getting ready to test all the tubes using my night kg 6008 tube tester.
What Is The Watts Per Channel On This? Thanks.
I’ve seen some people state that it’s 12 watts per channel. I’ve also seen an ad for it that stated it was a 32 watt stereo which would be 16 watts per channel. Not sure which is correct.
12 W/ch.
The “IHF” power rating is 16 WPC which is inflated versus the more stringent 12 WPC RMS which this unit and the Pioneer SX-34B are rated at. I have a spec sheet for the Pioneer SX-34 which says 11 WPC RMS/Continuous and THD less than 1%. Doesn’t say what the bandwidth is at that rating nor the impedance. However, one can surmise that it is rated at 8-ohms since the receiver has a switch for either 8-ohm or 16-ohm speakers (not 4-ohms).