Acoustic Research AR Model R

AR Model R

This is a nice Acoustic Research Model R receiver.  It’s style shows a little from the 60’s and a hint in to the 70’s. Of course, it was manufactured in the early 70’s and retailed for around $450.00.  It’s a fine example of simple and utilitarian function in a design that is pleasing to the eye. It’s an FM only receiver, puts out 60 watts per channel into 4 ohms and was one of the first direct coupled solid state amps.  As you may already know AR was known mostly for their speakers. This receiver was designed to be paired with their 4 ohm speakers such as the AR3A and AR2ax speakers. Some of the specs are:

  • FET front end with 4-section capacitor
  • Multisection crystal IF filter
  • IC IF amplfiers
  • 2uV sensitivity
  • Self-resetting thermostatic circuit breakers in both channels
  • Tape monitor
  • Speaker-headphone switch
AR Model R Left

The small meter on the right side of the dial is the Center channel tuning meter.  To the left of that is the Stereo Indicator light. It has outputs for a tape recorder, center channel, headphone and 4-16 ohm speakers.

AR Model R Right

The front panel consists of:

  • Phono/FM/Special selector knob
  • Ganged Bass and Treble tone controls
  • Mono/Null/Stereo selector knob
  • Volume Control
  • Tuning Control
  • Normal/Tape Selector Switch
  • Normal/Hush Off Switch
  • Speakers/Headphones Selector Switch
  • Headphone Jack

The “Null” setting would reverse the signal of one channel and feed it back into both channels.  The AR Model R measures 17-1/4″ W x 6″ H x 1.

AR Model R Top

While the Model R’s are very nice looking receivers they do have a reputation for being problematic. Early versions had issues with the bias pots overheating and causing the output transistors to fry.  AR made some modifications to later versions to remedy the problem. Still, if you’re looking to buy one be aware that if it hasn’t already been fully serviced it most likely will need to be.

AR Model R Back

The Acoustic Research Model R receivers bring pretty high dollars on the auction market. So, obviously there is demand for these receivers even though their performance may not be up to par with other high end equipment. They do make a nice looking pair with AR speakers and an AR turntable.

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10 thoughts on “Acoustic Research AR Model R

    1. Good morning

      Do you still have the AR receiver? I see your is from 2019 so presume it got sold?

      1. If you are still interested, my older brother is looking to sell his 1972 AR receiver, AR turntable and AR bookshelf speakers. He bought them new when he graduated from college in 1972, and they are in working order…

  1. I need my AR Model R, which I purchased in November, 1972, repaired. Does anyone know where I can take it in the St. Louis area?

  2. Curious as to why no mention of the AR Model W which (correct me if I’m wrong) I believe was the early version of this receiver? I’ve never found any historical info as to why the model designation change from W to R.

    1. There is a thread on about the Model W. It has a little insight into what the differences might be but there seems to still be some uncertainty.

      The thread is HERE.

  3. I couldn’t find a contact email,so I am writing you here. Could you please do a compilation of most value for the money (not top of the line) on all or a few of the receivers? Like,the best Yamaha,Kenwood or Pioneer with the most features for the money? It gets confusing,having to go back and forth with the reviews.

  4. Back in the day, early 70s, one of the high end audio makers, I believe it was McIntosh, ran free test clinics around the country in high end shops. You’d bring in your gear and they’d test it for power, distortion, etc. and give you a printout of the results. They were trying to expose the over-rated power figures on a lot of popular amps and receivers, mainly Japanese.
    Most equipment “failed,” didn’t live up to claims. Somewhere I still have the results on my AR Receiver, and it passed with flying colors. Rated 60 wpc into 4 ohms, I think.

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