This Marantz 2226B receiver has the classic vintage Marantz look that most collectors can spot from a hundred feet away. I’ve been driving past garage sales before and spotted a Marantz receiver from half a block away. Maybe it’s the Gyro Touch Tuning knob or the big black Marantz lettering at the top of the silver face or even the industrial looking bolts they used to secure the faceplate. Whatever it is these receivers are instantly recognizable. When properly lit up there aren’t many receivers that are better looking. Unfortunately you don’t find them too often with all the lamps functioning. And, if they are the blue color has usually changed to more of a green. This is because the velum paper that Marantz used behind their dial faces has usually degraded and turned yellow or burned.

Fortunately you can purchase lamp kits for these receivers and even change them to LED’s which slightly enhance the color and reduce the heat inside the unit at the same time. Some purists don’t like the LED look, but, if done properly they do look nice. The one above has an LED upgrade and, as you can see, the blue is really blue.

I’ve always wondered why Marantz used such non-descript knobs on their receivers. Other manufacturers used nice beveling or engraving on their knobs. Marantz just used a plain light weight knob. The first Marantz I ever purchased I thought someone had replaced the original knobs with some cheap replacements. But, alas, they were the stock knobs. I guess it’s in keeping with the overall industrial look of the design.

I really like the Gyro Touch flywheel tuners they use. They are nicely weighted and spin smoothly. The design also reduces wear to the lettering on the faceplate since your fingers never really have to touch the surface of the faceplate in order to change the station. The 2226B was introduced in 1977 and survived until about 1979. It retailed for a reasonable $310.00. One could choose the WC-22 wood cabinet as an option as well.

While the 2226B was more toward the lower end of Marantz offerings it was still a nice little performer. It put out 26 watts per channel into 8 ohms and 33 watts per channel into 4 ohms. In those days power output was usually underrated by a little bit as well. Measuring 17 1/4 x 5 1/2 x 14 1/4 this unit weighed in at about 26 lbs.
Despite the fact that they are not TOTL these little receivers are still in pretty high demand from collectors. Most vintage Marantz receivers are. If you’re just getting into vintage audio and don’t want to spend huge dollars on a receiver but want a classic name then perhaps this Marantz is the way to go.
I had the great fortune of picking one of these up in pristine, near mint condition for $25.00 !! After cleaning all controls and a little lubrication to the tuning mechanism this unit is a true pleasure to listen to and the looks are also quite pleasing. I originally purchased it with the intent to resell it for a profit but since you don’t usually find these fine receivers in this condition I am going to keep it for my personal use, it sure beats today’s plastic, cheap junk on the market ! Incidentally, that 26 watts per channel is underrated, although I have no means of accurately measuring it, it sounds more like 50 watts per channel !
I know the last comment was last year, but for anyone else too who doesn’t know of RMS and peak wattage ratings. Almost all wattage ratings on any type of audio amplifier nowadays are peak ratings and are generally double the average power rating otherwise known as RMS. Which makes sense if you see a 50 watt (peak) rating on a newer amp and wonder why it sounds just as loud as an older one with a 25 watt (RMS) rating. That’s why you have to really look into the specs on your specific amplifier especially when trying to match speakers rating as well. Hope that helps someone in your future audio indevers.
Hi, If this Marantz 2226B is connected as a preamp, would be possible to listen to the radio trough the powe amp? Regards
Thanks for the info, Chester and Mark
The “non-descript” knobs were a sign of American brands outsourced to Asia *cost cutting* (Marantz separates which were still being built in the U.S. -in Sun Valley and later Chatsworth, Cal- had milled knobs with set screws).
Frankly, though, MOST “collectors” are NEITHER electronically-inclined nor audiophile enough (and for anyone that thinks “audiophile” is a snobbish term: DON’T BRAG TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, THEN, ABOUT HOW YOU JUST PAID 10X THE MONEY FOR A MID-FI RECEIVER -with dying caps in it- BECAUSE OF THE WOOD CASE!) to recognize the technical weaknesses of these units.
The way those 22xx models CAN’T handle (real world) 4-ohm loads is their biggest flaw. The same power transformer was often spread across other receivers within the range REGARDLESS OF THE ADVERTISED WATTAGE denoted by the second-half of the model number. They cannot cut it with the vintage A.R.’s or Infinities of the era…the reason SO MANY “collectors” across the Web have setups pairing them with ultra-efficient KLIPSCH speakers (which, honestly, DO NOT sound good when a Solid State amp has to be purposely kept at a low-er volume setting and -by today’s standards- the ancient/shoe-horned bias circuit of something 40+ years-old sold mass-market runs cool; causing an even greater lag in the switching times of the output stage voltages and producing OBVIOUS DISTORTION). A Sansui 4000 or a Tandberg TR-2045 (for examples), oppositely, CAN run a pair of the venerable three-way/4-ohm/sealed cabinet Acoustic Research 3a speakers without incident. A Marantz 2240 flat-out couldn’t AND…a 2270 had such high-order harmonic clipping…it was going to IGNITE THE TWEETERS!
The true COLLECTIBLE Marantz is the stuff Saul Marantz, Sid Smith, Richard Sequerra, Dawson Hadley, and James Bongiorno *HAND MADE* in Woodside Queens, NYC. It was never stuff one was going to find at a yard sale for $25 -unlike 90% of the 22xx’s could have been had for PRIOR TO INTERNET AUCTIONS- and it will never depreciate. This Standard Radio Factory, OVER-HYPED MID-FI; on the other hand, had *NOTHING* to do with those aforementioned gentlemen (all of whom continued producing HIGH END components on their own because Superscope couldn’t AFFORD to sell their designs to the mass market).
Thanks Mr. “I know it all and am smarter than you. “ You know not of what you speak.
I bet this guy loves the smell of his own farts.
James Hoover – Where can I find some of the Hand Made receivers you’re referencing?
James Hoover
Very few audiophiles have those old 4 ohm load speakers that you so much cherish. And those so called “Hand Made” units are rarer than the dinosaurs.
Just a curious observation: I just finished woorking on my 2226B, and the thing blows 42W per channel before clipping (equally at 1kHz and 50Hz). Don’t know about the THD at that level (still to measure), but I’m very pleasantly surprised. All original transistors.
I think you may be confusing this late 70s series with the early to mid 70s aqua blue on black background series. THOSE are the ones that are instantly recognizable Marantz models. Not so much the 2226b. I still prefer the look that older high contrast vintage to the blue on silver dial of the newer ‘B’ series. They sounded different too. The older sounded usually richer, warmer and more mellow whereas the ‘B’ series had a more analytical and pin sharp sound and not quite as warm but still very liquid and smooth. It comes down to taste I guess and partnering gear. I appreciate both vintages.
I own a 2226B. Someone just threw it out on the front lawn. It is mint. I love the look and sound. It’s a no-nonsense, solid, attractive, and warm sounding receiver from the late 70s when receivers and stereo equipment in general was really well made. Incidentally I have a Marantz turntable which pairs up nicely with the 222B receiver. I have it set up in my garage (man cave). On a nice, warm, weekend summer evening, I love putting on a nice Miles Davis album and a nice glass of red wine. The sound is so fat and warm, which you can only get from records. I set the bass at 7 and treble at 6 – those are my jazz settings. I sit in my comfy lazy-boy chair, and I’m in heaven.
Now you are talkin! Miles Davis, Marantz, and Pinot Noir. Bingo!!!
I have model 2226b in good condition willing to sell
Marantz still for sale ?
Let me know 2226B.
Thanks ! Mike
All through the 80s Marantz was the brand to have for receivers, amps, turntables. Any audiophile knew that Marantz was the best of the best. The red, blue, colours of the receivers are hypnotic when you are in a certain mood. Pure quality all around. I own a Marantz 2226B receiver, and a Marantz TT 510 turntable. Bliss!
Just set up my 2226B and it has hardly any volume. Even when I have it up all the way it barely drives my Bose 201’s, no matter what other component I play, i.e. CD, Phono,FM radio. I cross checked my speaker wiring and tried switching them and still no difference. I hear folks talking the 26 wpc is under-rated and it should be more like 50…mine sounds like 5 wpc…any suggestions?
You might want to try the guys at Audiokarma.org. There are a lot of very knowledgeable people in the Marantz forum. You can find it HERE.
Then you better have it checked out because it should drive those speakers to windows shattering volume.
The Bose 201 has 90db sensitivity which is more sensitive than my 87db KEF R5 that puts out 80db at 2m distance when the volume knob is only at about 9 o’clock on my 2226b. (Volume knob goes from 7-17 o’clock)
So either have your amp checked out or your speakers.
Or you are just plane deaf.
I have a 2226b and a 1550. Love them both. Either amp has ever been recapped but have been cleaned and set up. Also installed led lamps. I find the 1550 sounds better but the 2226b has pre out and power in which I do like. I hear a lot about re capping amps! The 2226b has been running 8hrs a day for 15yrs with no problems. The 1550 is in the studio and runs for 10 hrs per week high volume no problems. I would like to hear from someone experienced if re capping makes a big improvement in sound quality….
I have a marantz 2250 b model might get rid of for $400
Did sell your 2250b?
where do i fix it in phoenix, az
Yes. 2226B on a new set of Heresy iv…
Heaven. Selling my MM7025 with the AVR 5014 because of it.
I just can’t get over the warmth and separation contrasts.
Hi, I have a dilemma and would appreciate professional help. I stand out between the 2015 and 2226b series, which do you think you recommend I buy and which one will give me full value for the price in all respects?
Well, other than the power difference (almost double with the 2226B) the 2226B also has a mid range tone control which is nice. Personally I like the look of the 2015 better but many prefer the all silver look of the later Marantz models like the 2226B. You probably can’t really go wrong with either of them if they are restored. Also, if you do buy one and dislike it you can always sell it and buy the other one. They haven’t really gone down in value over the years. Overall, I personally would probably get the 2226B. Two meters, mid tone control, a bit more power.
i have a marantz 2226b for sale has a little static in the right channel and needs 1 rubber foot on bottom other than that its in good shape would like 300 if interested email me dabreeze57@yahoo.com