Ahhh…another classic Marantz. I know there are some audiophiles out there that feel Marantz receivers are over rated and over priced. Perhaps, but they ooze vintage audio. Their distinct industrial look and design sets them apart as well. This Marantz 2252B is one of the best performers out of all the Marantz models. It’s well known for its warm sound and exceptional build quality. Add to that 52 watts per channel and you’ve got yourself a good receiver.

Originally offered in 1977 and discontinued around 1979 the 2252B retailed for $460.00. You could also pick up the optional WC-22 wood cabinet for that extra top end look. It features separate Bass, Treble and Mid tone controls as well as Hi Filter and Loudness switches. And, as you can see, it incorporates the famous Marantz Gyro Touch flywheel tuner.

There was also a European model of the 2252B that had a black faceplate and is very rare. One common problem with these units is the power switch and fuses. There is one fuse on the rear panel and two on the power supply/power amp board. If these are blown the unit will not even power up. The power switches are also known to fail but they can be purchased rather cheaply. Need a good tech to troubleshoot or restore your Marantz receiver? Try Tom Williams. He’s good but the waiting line is long.

All vintage Marantz receivers are in high demand. The 2252B is no exception and even though it isn’t a top of the line model its performance and quality make it a highly desirable unit. Add to that the fact that this model isn’t that common and you can see why prices are fairly high.
I´m a happy (very happy) owner of one 2252B. Just for curiosity. Is it an class A/B amplifier?
Yes, I believe it is.
I love my 2252b but would sell it because I need the money
How much?
por favor pediria uma indicação de uma oficina para conserto do receiver marantz 2252B. no momento qdo ligo após alguns minutos começa um barulho como se fosse “Fogos “, continuo ouvindo o som ( a musica ou o radio), mas vai aumentando os ” fogos” alguem pode me ajudar??agradeço e aguardo
I don’t know what a “fogos” sound is. Sorry. But you need to take this to a qualified classic audio restoration tech and have the capacitors replaced. It will then work as new.
Spot on, looking at one in LA on CL today 9/1/15 for $300 now I want it baaaaddd
I am lucky i got mine for 150$ Can!! Wow
My 2252B has a lot of static in the knobs. Take the knob off and used compressed air to clean the pods?
Also, sometimes the left side drops out but if I hit the top of the receiver it comes back. Any ideas? Blow out the inside?
Sounds like the potentiometers connected to the knobs need some cleaning. DeOxit works the best but some quality contact cleaner should work. It would require removing the case and possibly the bottom plate to get to the pots. There are some guides online on how to clean them. That would be my first guess.
No. Do NOT use compressed air on it. Find a tech who can clean the potentiometers and switches with DeOxit or equivalent and that will solve your problem.
I have a beautiful marantz 2252b and cleaned, i love that, the sound is like, in Brazil is very rare that model. I feel a lucky guy hehe.
Hello you can actually see my unit for sale at $499 at the top of the page. I need two outer bass-mid-treble KNOBS ALL # ARE THE SAME anyone have two or three if you will only sell 3. MY Balance knob is fine but the metal rod is broken I can still turn it left right I could superglue it but if I can get the part I will. I in So Cal LA area (west la-pomona). I will sell but won’t lower the price, so offers will be denied and I will keep it. I bought it in 1983 in High School and had it 31 years it sounds great as always. a few lights are fading in the middle not sure if I will fix those unless its cheap.
thanx all
Patrick R
silveroak1987 at aol.com
Get the blue led lights, they snap in and look like a fuse. Just look it up on u-tube, easy fix and cheap.
Where can I find the blue led at? Some of them on my dial is not the working.
You can buy L.E.D. replacements on Ebay and YouTube will provide videos on how to do and fix anything on a Marantz.
Hi anything around Hamilton – Niagara area?
Love my 2252B, paid $25 @ Value Village, it was terribly dirty inside and out and thick nicotine stains, it cleaned up beautifully and is flawless. I had a 2325 and traded it off after I got the 2252B I like it much better.
Marantz 2252b : comments in your opening paragraph. It is a well know fact that the Marantz 2252b is a rather crisp sounding receiver unlike the warm sound that some of the other Marantz models have to offer. Your description is erroneous.
As a current owner of 2 – 2252B series units, I support the author of this article. Both of mine sound warm and rich coming out of any halfway decent speaker.
I’ve had my 2252B (with wood cabinet) for about 10 years now. I bought for $250.00 CDN to replace my 2220. It’s driving 4 large “stacked” Advents and I think it’s a perfect 70’s set up. Great site.
Greg….not sure if you are still looking at this page 4 years later…..but I totally concur with your set up. My Marantz 2252B driving my 4 Original Large Advents that I have stacked is just heavenly sounding. It almost seems a perfect match.
Thanks. I’m taking my Marantz in today for some repair work. New lamps and whatever else needs attention. One of the Advent woofers is also out for repair.
I’ve swapped in a Sherwood S 9910 for the time being
My blue lights on the display are the only thing I’m having problems trouble shooting. Any help would be appreciated.
Help! My baby is sick. The volume control on our Marantz 2252b does not work. When the power is switched on, the volume blares out. Turning the volume control has no effect since the volume remains the same. Originally, I thought the problem was with my Bose 501s since the speakers sounded scratchy like some awful Hallowe’en track. When I plugged my CD player into the main of the Marantz, the volume is crystal clear but I had no volume control.
I’m going to clean the pods. Presently, I have the faceplate off. I’m not sure what the next steps should be to access the pods. any assistance would be appreciated.
I have the vintage 2252b model receiver.what amp should I go with?? Any help would be greatly appreciated
Most of my lights are out in my 2252 receiver. Any suggestions where and how to replace them?
There is a general thread on 22xx model marantz bulbs HERE.
I picked up a rebuilt Marantz 2252b on eBay. Retirement present to my self. I
installed it in my basement with two Bose 201s from Goodwill ( 40$ ) and two new Polk Audio speakers. Also My vintage Technics turntable and a Sony C.D. player. Then I added a Pioneer 707 reel to reel and even managed to hookup my Apple Nano. My lounge is complete and I and my friends are loving it.
I had one first come out love it . got Rob. Love to have agan found one got it turned up. Marantz 2252b happy
I have a Marantz 2252B. It needs a little work to restore it. Who in northern California can fix it up like new?
I have a 2252B but it needs a lot of work. I also have a Pioneer SA1050, that works quite well. Does anybody think it’s worth fixing the Marantz, or just keep using the Pioneer?
Hi Steve, If you still have your Marantz that needs work let me know if you want to sell it and if so, for how much in its current condition. Thanks! Dana 760.521.9363
I still have mine I bought new in late 1976. Still sounds and works great.
Hola le recomendarías algún amplificador de phono
I purchased my 2252b in 1977 in Spain. Black face plate. I put the LED lights in it and put new power switch in it. Looks great and still use it.
Absolutely love my 2252b. Got it from a friend for nothing and have had it for 25 years.
When I got it, it would only play out one side, so I plugged both speakers into that one (left, not that it matters). A few years ago I took it to a local tinkerer I found on kijiji by accident (I bought a set of B&W Solids from him and got talking, turned out he fixes electronics for a hobby) and he fixed it up. He replaced the bulbs with LEDs and it looks great, although personally I preferred the warmth of the original lights. However, these all work and the other ones didn’t, so there’s that. He also replaced some old capacitors and cleaned the pots; now it sings like angels.
If there was a remote for it, I’d use it in my home theatre setup. Sounds incredible. As it is, I run the dvd player in my gym through it where it helps make Tony Horton sound intimidating.
Found this forum because I’m looking for replacement feet for it. Hockey pucks aren’t ideal.
Hi have had mine since 82 dropped it down some steps and wow still worked but broke a foot the local stereo shop replaced them no drama. Have had all the pots cleaned for a crisp sound and the neighbours complained
i have a marantz reciever model 2252-b (with wood cabinet), marantz cassete deck model sd 3000 and a marantz amp model pm 700 dc for sale. I purchased them them in the late 70’s and I have original receipt and manuals.
I find my 2252b in a recycle bin. They had no estetic damage.
I find a repair men for vintage.Change light and Recap and change the power relay.
All that was done in 2018. And I love it. I own how most every Marantz with different
Speakers and I préfère that one with a psb speakers. I’m in Quebec,canada.
Best dumpster dive day ever! lol Well done. ;)
I have 2252B with PSB Image 4T. I feel like to try another speaker. Which model do you use?
CHAMPLIFIER (Alameda, Ca.) Nov 2020 – Sold me a 2252B + W22 wood cabinet that he had personally rehabbed/rebuilt. Absolutely perfect condition. I went in to get my Marantz 6100 repaired & spotted this beauty on the shelf, I still cant get over its pristine condition. I was thrilled to purchase @ $1,100. He has lots of other rehabbed stuff on the shelf and does not advertise. Brainiac/Jamaican/Spiritual dude with a true gift for solid state electronics. He won’t touch tube stuff.
I have 2252b black from 1982 with a pair of AR11. It’s an excellent pairing with perfectly clear, dynamic sound.
I can only recommend it for everyone.
Somebody paid me to take their 2252 b. There I win the I paid this much game. Cmon.
I have the 2252b my dad bought in 1978. It was the stereo store’s demo unit and had an “A” sticker on it for years for their switching. I used it to power my whole house speaker system with a multi-speaker box. It could power 14 ceiling speaker with no problems. Noticed some of the lights have gone out and the stereo light. A little static on the volume, and sometimes I have to tap the balance knob to get left and right to work. It’s now going to power my dad’s Cerwin Vega 311r’s that I’m restoring like it used to over 40 years ago. It’s beautiful.
Hello all,
I’m having an issue with the left side speaker channels on my Marantz 2252, where only the left side cuts in and out. Sometimes I can get the left side to come back in by gently nudging the turntable connected to the receiver but that doesn’t usually fix it long term. Does anyone have an idea what could be going wrong?
I purchased my Marantz 2252b in 1977 at Pacific Stereo in La Mesa Ca. I also have the matching dual dubbing cassette player to match with accompanying factory wood furniture coverings. I am looking for a vintage refurbishing / repair shop near or in Temecula Ca. I ran my 2252b with Bose 501 speakers. The sound from both was like warm butter to your ears. Thank you in advance for any referral.
I also found my Marantz 2252B in the dumpster with a pair of Cerwin Vega D-5’s. The 2252B is in phenomenal shape, all lights working and so far all buttons working, as for the D-5’s both woofer foams were blown (Ordered replacement foams yesterday) but the speakers work fine, just won’t know what the woofers sound like until repaired. :-)
I am considering a Marantz 2252B and a Marantz 2235B. Generally speaking, what is the better receiver? I know one has a little higher power and the other is a blackface style compared to the all-silver look.
They both are mint – which one do I buy and why?
I have a Marantz 2252B that is in excellent condition but has never been recapped or updated. I am considering buying a 2235B that is recapped, restored, and updated in a similar excellent condition.
Am I making a mistake going backward or will it compare to the 2252B?
Any opinions or advice?
I am from Montreal Canada, and im looking for a place to restore mine and someone told me some places can upgrade your Marantz with such technology, like adding bluethooth, 3.5mm audio jack, aux imput etc..
Did someone hear about that? I am sceptic..