Marantz 2275
The Marantz 2275 had a retail price of nearly $600.00 back in 1974 and was made until 1977. It put out 75 watts per channel in to 8 ohms and featured a phase-lock-loop FM multiplex …
Vintage Receivers From The 70s and 80s
The Marantz 2275 had a retail price of nearly $600.00 back in 1974 and was made until 1977. It put out 75 watts per channel in to 8 ohms and featured a phase-lock-loop FM multiplex …
This is the classic Marantz 2270 receiver in a beautiful wood case. Anyone familiar with vintage audio knows that Marantz built some of the best receivers of the time. And, actually, when restored, probably still stand …
The Marantz 2330B was produced from 1977 through 1979 at the height of the audio craze. As you probably already know Marantz built some of the best receivers offered during that time. This particular unit …
This is the Marantz 2220B. It was at the lower end of the Marantz offerings but still offered great quality manufacturing and sound. It’s rated at 20 watts per channel into 8 ohms. These little …
This is the Marantz 4270 Quadraphonic 4 channel receiver or Quadradial as they called it. It of course would also play in 2 channel stereo. It was one of Marantz’s top of the line quad …
This is the classic Marantz 2285b. It is one of the more sought after Marantz receivers. Even though it’s only listed at 85 watts per channel it has plenty of power to drive most any …
The Marantz 4300 Quadradial was one step down from the Marantz 4400 Quadradial. It is a 2 channel or 4 channel receiver with built in Dolby B Noise Reduction. It also has an optional plugin …
The Marantz 2325 came out around 1974 with a list price of $799.95. It was discontinued some time around 1976. It produces 125 watts per channel into 8 ohms. It’s known for more than adequate …