This is the classic Marantz 2285b. It is one of the more sought after Marantz receivers. Even though it’s only listed at 85 watts per channel it has plenty of power to drive most any speakers. It featured DLB-1 dolby noise reduction as well.
It was offered from 1977 up until 1980 and retailed for around $670.00. It weighed in at just over 37 pounds. It has the following inputs:
- Phono 1
- Phono 2
- Tape 1 In/Out
- Tape 2 In/Out
- Aux 1
- Aux 2

As you can see from the inside picture these units were built like tanks and with a high level of quality.

Though not shown in these pictures the Marantz 2285B also came with an optional WC 22 wood case which gave it a fantastic sophisticated look. These receivers sell for quite a bit when restored. Recently a super clean 2285B sold for $2000 (6-2023). In average working condition they will sell for $900-$2000.
I have a 2285b receiver that i want to sell.
How much
How much.
Hi how much is a 2285 b
How much?
Do you have pictures?
Howard: have the pots been recapped? Please quote Shipped price to L0K 2A0 will pay EMT asap, Regards Richard D. Vent
“”have the pots been recapped”….. 😂 🤣
im interested…how much are you asking for it, do you have pics??
Another 2285B up for sale. In fair working order but would benefit from cap replacement and of course, a good thorough cleaning. I got it to do same but do not have time or funds now to pursue it.
I’m looking for one in the $600 range to restore what do you want for yours?
Hi, Ken. I am interested in your 2285B. Do you have pictures available and a price in mind?
I am interested in the 2285B if it is still available. Pics and price?
I have a 2285b in walnut cabinet that I’d like sell. Was completely gone thru in ’02, sorted in my home since. I have pics, & the original manual it came with>
Lew, is you receiver still for sale? if so how much?
Hi Lew,
Are there links to pictures of your 2285b that can be shared? Let me know if the unit is still available and we can exchange contact info.
I also have a Marantz 2285b in amazing condition. Where is the best place to sell this. I recently upgraded to LED, looks great.
I also have a 2285b, in wonderful condition. I recently updated to LED, looks great.
could you email me some photos?
I’m interested…thanks!
My name is Ernest. I have a Marantz 2285B Symphonic Receiver. My Marantz 2285B is in excellent condition, bought in 1977, with very, very minor scratches (than can be wiped and cleaned) and in walnut wood enclosure. It was stored in plastic and boxed. I don’t have the original box and manual anymore but I’m the original owner, it was in working order when the unit was put in storage when we moved to our home in 1993. in which I switched over to Surround Sound receivers. I have picture of the unit and I can make a video clip for any of you. Let me know if you’re interested. I lived in NY State.
Do you still have this?
Interested in the receiver 2285b, I am also in New York.
Just checking. Do you still have this?
my email is aradu666 at yahoo.com
I’m really interested in that receiver.
I was wondering if your receiver was still for sale. Thank you.
Andover, NJ 07821
I also have a nice 2285b silver face im thinking about parting with. In original condition not refurbished. In Tx
Hello Luke
I am in Texas and am interested in purchasing one. Thanks!
If anybody has a 2285 receiver (any variant) for sale, please email me at storage.bdi at gmail.com
If anybody has a 2285b receiver for sale, please email me at 11sebol11 at gmail.com
I have a similar model. Black case with black front plate. I am going to sell my unit. If anyone interested, kindly contact me. karamandi at gmail.com
I bought one of these when I was in the army in Germany 1979. I had big sansui speakers. 9000 series. Everyone that heared it was blown away. In 1988 my sister in-law burned it out playing it on shag carpet at a party. Is it worth repairing? When it overheated what was most likely to be affected? I don’t know if it is worth the cost. I paid $350 dollars for it in 79 at the px. (A months pay). It’s in the beautiful wood case. Looks like new. ???????
A really nice 2285 can sell from $700 to over $1000 so it’s probably worth having fixed or restored depending upon the cost. Definitely worth having someone take a look at it. Could be something relatively simple.
The power amplifiers (both) have temperature sensors that should have protected the amplifiers from too much damage. I’d be glad to troubleshoot/fix this receiver/amplifier for you. [I am in the process of restoring such a device right now.]
Maury Zivitz
Email me at maury.zivitz@sbcglobal.net for further contact information.
Does anyone have a broken 2285 for sale?
I need a power transformer for mine.
Can you use 4 ohm speakers with the 2285?
I have a 2285 BD in great shape. Been in a closet untouched for decades. I’m told this one is more rare than the others. What’s it worth?
Email dcrossley@live.com
I saw someone mention that Marantz may have only made around 250 of the 2285BD. I know there are some minor differences between the BD and the B but I’m not sure how much they would add to the value of the stereo. Probably some. I would guess it’s value to be slightly above a 2285B because of the rarity factor. Of course values for the 2285B are kind of all over the place right now with some really nice versions selling for under $1000 and a few upwards of $2000. A 2285BD sold on CanuckAudioMart for about $1400 last year.
I am also looking for a nice 2285b if you still have yours. You can reach me at drivr at email dot com
thank you
If you still have the 2285BD Iwould be interested. Let me Know!
I have a Marantz model 2285B in perfect condition if interested and would like some pictures mail me here. theadvisorjoker2020@gmail.com
I have a Marantz 2285B that was my father’s and he bought brand new and took excellent care of. I would like to sell it because I have no use for it myself theadvisorjoker@gmail.com if interesd.
Do you still have this?
I have a 2285 B for sale. Stored in its original box for 20 years.
I would be interested in your 2285b if you still have it.
Thank you
I’m interested if you still have it. Please let me know how functional it is and its condition as well as your asking price. Thank you.
I have a 2285b low low hours call or email
Good afternoon.
Have a 2238B, which I purchased new forty some years ago. Still works like the day it left the Marantz factory. Am looking to add another B series, now that I’ve moved into a new (well old, but new to me) home. Feel free to shoot me off a detailed description and high def .jpg photos of your offering.
Many thanks.
I have a 2285b in very clean condition got it in a Mac trade. Im in Ontario Can. Looking to sell 2k cdn email: gale4335@gmail.com
Hello Steve,
I imagine that your 2285b is already gone, but if not; I would like to hear from you. Terry Frizzell, Lexington, SC 29073