Pure Power! That was the tag line for Sansui’s G-Series receivers from the late 70’s and they lived up to the advertising hype. Even this mid range Sansui G-5000 is one great performer. In fact, many audio enthusiasts make the claim that the early Sansui G series receivers are some of the best receivers ever made in terms of both build quality and performance. The audio industry was evolving at the time and technology was advancing to a point where audio equipment could do a far better job of amplifying sound in a manner that kept it as close to the original recorded sound as possible. Sansui’s DC circuitry did just that.

If you had grown up listening to music on late 60’s tube equipment or early 70’s Pioneer or Marantz gear then you might find the G series receivers a tad bright and less warm. But, personal preferences aside, they produce a more accurate sound than their earlier counterparts that tended to “color” the music. The G-5000 was produced from 1978 to 1980 and really is a great representative of the vintage audio years. It was a mid range offering from Sansui and retailed for about $470.00

A brushed aluminum faceplate, big tuning and volume knobs, big square push buttons, wide tuning dial and centered analog meters give it a great symmetrical look. When lit up the dial has an almost mystical amber / blue look to it.

For those interested in a little Sansui history, they produced the G-X000 series first, then the G-X500 series, and finally the G-X700 series over a span of about 4 years from late 1977 till around 1981 or 82. General opinion is that the early G-X000 series is the best built of the three. Cost cutting measures that occurred later reduced the quality of the X500 and X700 series. Also, the G-5XXX receivers aren’t necessarily comparable. The G-5000 is rated at 45 watts while the G-5500 is rated at 60 watts and the G-5700 at 75 watts.

Here are some of its other features:
- Tone defeat
- Speakers A,B, A+B, switchable
- Aux, Phono, FM Auto, Dolby FM, AM, Tape1/Aux, Tape2/Aux
- Bass, treble, balance, volume, tuning
- Loudness, FM muting, Stereo/Mono, Tape monitor, -20 dB mute
- Subsonic filter
- Mic mixing level
- 4-Ch adapter switch
- Headphones jack, Mic jack
- Signal and tuning indicators
- 2 extra power outlets
- Uses discreet Sanken output transistors
- 31 lbs at 18 x 7 x 16″

I had a poll on this website for a while asking what everyone’s favorite receiver brand was. I expected Marantz or perhaps Pioneer to dominate. But no, Sansui was the most favored brand. That is reflected in both demand and prices for these receivers, especially the early G series units. Of course, the G-22000 and G-33000 are virtually impossible to acquire for the average collector, and even the G-9000 can easily reach five figures when restored. The G-5000 is much more reasonably priced and, for the level of build quality and performance you can get out of them, that is a pretty good deal.
I’m sure this Sansui sounds great, but their components never seemed to do it for me appearance-wise. Square buttons on classic equipment just look cheap and goofy to me. I think I also prefer the tuning dial to be more uniformly lit rather than just the numbers themselves.
Disco, You are rightfully entitled to your opinion and it seems aesthetics are important to you. I happen to like it. And, being a music officiando, let me tell everyone that this was the major part of my first “sound system,” as it was called back then. BTW, I was a senior in high school when I bought mine. No fooling, y’all. I set up it with a pair of KLH-50 two way speakers, Technics belt driven turntable and a TEAC dual cassette. For a first dip in the audiophile pool, I did pretty well; even my picky musician buds would hang out with me and we’d listen to jams on my system for hours (if not also trying to play along, too).
I’d love to get my hands one on again, even if it is to restore it.
I love all those 70’s-80’s silverface system. I had a Pioneer for a long time and love the way it performs. Even today I am pretty much all set with my tube amp system, I have so much itch to have the most reliable Sansui G series models can get that is no more than 75 watts. To me these are the best looking classic silverface receiver I have seen. I wish had one long ago. I would love to have one that is in super clean condition that is restore the right way by a professional.
Great posting!
Still have a G5500 with pair of BP2002 Bipolar array tower loudspeakers with it.When visitors hear this system they are stunned by it’s”Pure Power”and sound clarity.Bought G5500 new and kept it ever since and am grateful I did hang onto it😁Over the years did upgrade everything else BUT the receiver.Only repair it needed so far is Tuner lamp.
I have one in excellent condition, 9 of 10 cosmetically. Fully functional lamps going to have to sell it as a transmission in my truck is going out and I need the money
I just got one for $5 at a garage sale last weekend !!! Never heard of the brand before so I thought I’d google it ant by hearing your guys input .. I can’t wait to fire this fucker up 😎👍
Getting mine today, not for $5.00 couple hundy but well worth it.
Just came across this post. I have my 40 year old G-5000 with 2 SPX-8000 speakers in my office. Used to have them mounted out in the warehouse on the wall. Purchased them like Dennis right out of HS 1975ish. They have been with me through 11 moves. Still have original speaker boxes with Styrofoam. Tails from Topograhical Oceans sounded so GOOOD … as I recall…not much I can remember other than I got my monies worth.
I scored a g5500 for free while doing an install for a customer , it was wedged in between a work bench and sauna wall. When i pulled it out and wiped off abouy half an inch of dust , I was curious if they would sell it. No one knew where it came from or who’s it was in the family, they gave it to me, Happy ? You bet ! , took it home hooked up my very first turntable a Pioneer a PL12d and Psb avante speakers and cleaned the balance pot and it sits in the rack with my pioneer sx650 and Nad 7020 and listed them all and just turned down a 300.00 offer on it. Its a classic monster as far as i’m concerned and a keeper as those deals come almost never.
In 1978 I bought the dc g 5000 matched with atc speakers and had a nice turn table At my apartment 2 Nd floor just above the pool that would fill the whole pool area with great sound I like that stereo every one else loved it
I just picked a Sansui G5000 up for ten bucks. Everything works but no sound. That can be fixed cheap. I was a kid in 1978 and wanted one of these so bad and couldn’t afford it. If I remember right these things are awesome sound machines. 62 and still know what good quality sound sounds like.
While I can’t speak for the G- X500 series because I’ve never owned one, I have owned the G-7700 for a short time (about 10 years ago) before it blew up twice on the same low voltage outlet in an old rental house, so I decided to give it back to the seller since he wanted $300 to fix it for the second time and now the G-5000 I’ve had in my house for about 4 and 1/2 years now. The tuner went dead on the G-5000 a couple of days after buying it, but since I only paid $100 for it, I decided to keep it anyway. It’s a great sounding, great looking receiver. Love the big, brushed aluminum faceplate, big symmetrical volume and tuning knobs and amber glow of the incandescent display lights. Everything about this receiver is big, especially the sound which I use the audio muting button for. It screams at half volume without the muting button on! The G-X000 Series is easily the best built of all the G and X900z Series. For example, my G-5000 is rated at 45 wpc and weighs 14 kg. The similar G-4700 is rated at 50 wpc and weighs 8.6 kg. Such a drastic weight reduction can only be attributed to a drop in build quality! While the G-5000 may not exactly be a monster like the G-7700, all the classic elements of a great vintage receiver are here. I feel it easily outperforms modern receivers with twice the power rating. Not as warm as my Sansui 5500, but more accurate and detailed.
I collected some vintage receivers before they got pricey, 2003-2006, have a couple Marantz, my original Pioneer SX1250 and a G5000. Pioneer in shop for rebuild, had a 2238B running the system until my repair guy told me to switch to the G5000, he was correct, great sound, enough power to run a pair of ADS L980s. I hooked up a rebuilt Dual 1229Q this morning and the sound is as good as anything I can remember. If you find a G5000 for less than $400 and its been serviced, get it.
Have had my G5500 since I purchased in the mid 70’s…paired it up with some JBL 4311 studio monitors and the system just rocks…my kids (now grown) can tell the difference immediately from the digital receivers and my Sansui…pure power
I just got the Sansui G5000 and it sounds fantastic. I got it for $180 fully restored from my brother in law and I will say it has a warm sound. I am pairing them with RTI Polk A7 and sounds very detail and clean. I honestly can’t complaint for the quality of the sound but for those of you might sound a bit bright. Overall I will recommend this unit. It is just gorgeous to look at the display and the built quality is second to none. Highly recommended!
Picked up a G5000 at a hi-fi shop in Portland while I lived there for a year in 2013. Paired it with a low quality turntable and some Boston Acoustics that I found at a thrift store and re-coned the original speakers. As a musician, I love the fullness and richness of this receiver. Didn’t sound too bright to me, but to each their own. Considered selling it once but I valued it more than any buyers did. Sadly let the speakers go during a move after a bad break up, wish I kept them.