You’ll find quite a few people that will tell you that the Marantz Model Nineteen is one of the best receivers ever made. It would be hard to argue with them given that each receiver was hand built and calibrated by Marantz technicians hence the “Custom Calibrated” badge on the front panel. It’s said that even the WC-9 wood cases were hand rubbed. It was introduced in 1970 and retailed for about $1000.00 which was bumped up to $1200.00 about a year later. Marantz knew that price was not in the budget of most receiver buyers at the time and basically said so in their advertising. One ad stated, “It is strictly for music lovers whose demand for sound fidelity is beyond the pale of the average listener”.

The Model Nineteen has some of the classic Marantz styling features including the gyro-touch tuning wheel and blue tuning dial face that became a mainstay of later Marantz receivers. Some of the receivers also have a champagne colored faceplate.

The Model 19 puts out 50 watts per channel and has a very good FM tuning section and pre-amp. As you can see below it also features a built in oscilloscope that acts as a tuning meter for precision station tuning.

I believe both the Model Eighteen and Model Nineteen were made by Marantz after their sale to Superscope but they were also both designed by Saul Marantz and Sid Smith. Its solid state design incorporated a number of advancements. The tuning circuit is very similar to the Marantz 20B and it has a full complementary output stage which was ahead of its time.

The Model Nineteen is not a huge receiver at 18¼” x 6″ x 16″ but still weighs in at a hefty 46 pounds! I think the WC-9 wood case was only used on the Model Nineteen though it’s possible it was used on the Model Eighteen as well. The case shown below is possibly an aftermarket case as there were a couple companies that made wood cases for Marantz gear in the early 70’s.

The brochure below shows how Marantz was targeting the upper end of audio buyers. They had no problem stating that the receiver was expensive, was expensive for a reason, and, unless you have no problem paying for perfection, then you probably should look at one of their other receivers.

As one of the classic Marantz receivers the Model Nineteen commands a high price. Higher then most any other 50 watt per channel receiver. Given its quality build and exceptional performance it’s probably not over priced. Long term I can’t see prices going down either.
I have a fully restored Model-19. It is in my bedroom system connected to some nice Paradigm speakers. I was lucky to find one 12 years ago in good cosmetic condition. I was also lucky to meet a former factory Marantz service technician who helped me to align the FM section and the IF filter. To this day it is the best tuner in the house and I have a vintage McIntosh as well. I will go along with what many people have said in that it is the best receiver ever made.
Michael, I just read your post here I know it’s quite old now maybe you will see this I recently acquired a Marantz model 19 that needs to be tuned up are you still in contact with your Marantz service technician ? Thank you Michael Peterson 626 319 7373 MichaelNAzusa@Charter.net
Dear Mr. Peterson,
I realize too that your post is almost a year old, however I know of a technician here in Newton, NJ. He has repaired my Model 19 on two occasions and is quite capable . You can e-mail me at jfchi1@yahoo.com if you’re interested.
Jack Calvert
I have an old Marantz 19 but after a lengthy period of no use it seems dead, the light comes on but no sound. Attaches to outside speakers.
How can I find out if it is the speakers or the Marantz?? where could I take it for repair in West Palm Beach area??
Gene.. do you still have your model 19 receiver ?
Connect the receiver to a pair of speakers you know are working.
hi….do you still have the marantz 19?…interested in selling it?….thx.
I have an original marantz 19 in mint condition that I am looking to sell.
.. do you still have your model 19 receiver ?
Hi Craig, I’m interested in the receiver. What are you asking for it?
I have a marantz mdl 19 to sell. Are you interested?
How much??
I am looking for a model 19 and I am ready to buy NOW or whenever the possibility arises. Please let me know if you have one for sale. Thank you very much!!
Hi all,
I have a functional Marantz Model 18 I am looking to sell. Works great, except for the tuning tube and some of the bulbs.
Still the best sounding amp in the house though.
If I end up with $550 CDN, I will be happy. Let me know, and regards – Gabor Vajay
i am interested in this receiver let me know if you still have it Thanks Joel
looking to buy or trade for a marantz 19
thinkinginventor at outlook.com
I have a new scope tube for a Marantz 18 D 3-11 GJ for sale
I have a new Dial Glass for a Marantz 18 for sale. Includes instructions and screws.
Any chance this is still available?
I’ve a model 19 for sale, I found this site trying to price it.
Do you still have this unit for sale?
I have a circuit board for a Marantz 19 for sale.
Christine, do you still have a circuitboard for sale for the Marantz model 19 ? Thank you Michael Peterson 626 319 7373
I could be interested by the scope tube
How much for the circuit board?
Looking for these transistors for audio output or driver board
334-1007 and 334-1004
I am looking for a cabinet for my Marantz 19. That would be the WC-9. I’d buy an original or a custom made. Please contact me if you have one available or could build one.
I am a classic audio technician and I looking for the drive and outputs transistors for a Marantz 19 or replacement, can you help.
I have a marantz nineteen housed in a beautiful wood cabinet that is not working at the moment. Is there anyone in the net york new jersey area that can fix this wonderful receiver?
neil nepola
You could try Audio Classics. They are in Vestal, New York.
I have a Marantz Nineteen where the right channel does not work, and the FM does not play in stereo. Does anyone know of a repair shop near Charlotte, NC?
I’m interested if you still have this receiver 626 319 7373
Anthony I’m interested in buying the model 19. Please email me.
I am interested in purchasing your Marantz model 19 receiver.
Robert Moser
I am interested in the CRT tube for the Marantz 18. Let me know if it is still available.
A classic. Anyone who was looking to sell their 19 from prior threads still looking to sell it?
Looking for a power switch for my Model 19.
I also need a power switch. If you find one; let me know.
Long term audio tech been to crown amped Yamaha nakamichi and more live I Charlotte have a good shop happy to fix your Marantz 7044881617
I am looking for FM and Tuning Scope boards for Model 19 receiver
I have a very clean Marantz 19 I would like to sell. All great but scope doesn’t work. I am in the Las Vegas area
Hi Cathy, I am interested in buying it off you. Can you contact me please? Hobwork at hotmail.com
If anyone has a Marantz model 19 or any other marantz gear. I’d be very interested in purchasing it. I’m a big collector. Email me at 777Nick at mail.com
I’ve a model 19 that works, It is missing a plastic piece but does not effect the functionality. I called today about having it serviced and he said ” If it ain’t broke don’t bother “
Is this unit still for sale?
Liebe Christine Baumgartner,ich wollte mal wissen,ob du noch Teile vom Marantz 19 hast,wenn,vor allem welche…? Liebe grüße Heinz
Dear Christine Baumgartner, I wanted to know if you still have parts of the Marantz 19, if, especially which …? Greetings Heinz
Looking for a replacement scope as well as a wood cabinet to fit the model nineteen.
Any assistance is appreciated.
Looking for a WC -9 cabinet for my Marantz 19. Original or custom made please contact me if you can help. Will sell when I get cabinet
I have a Marantz Model 19 for sale. Fully restored and documented https://marantzhallo-fi.blogspot.com/2018/11/b-villadiegos-marantz-model-19.html?m=1
I might be interested in your 19.
Bernie, I am interested in your 19 if it’s still for sale.
I have a Marantz model 510 M bent corner on the original face plate nice original unit never messed with that I would be willing to trade for a clean Marantz model 19… or looking to purchase a model 19, 626 319 7373 Michael
Hi Tom, please contact me about your model 19.