Aesthetically the Marantz 2265B was one of their most well balanced receivers. Everything just seems really well proportioned and laid out well. The 2265B was made from 1977 until 1979 and is a great mid range receiver. It puts out 65 watts per channel and retailed for $580.00. It is basically a redesign of the 2265 and has slightly better distortion numbers as well so there are probably some slight circuitry differences too.

- Tuning range: FM, MW
- Power output: 65 watts per channel into 8Ω (stereo)
- Frequency response: 20Hz to 20kHz
- Total harmonic distortion: 0.05%
- Damping factor: 55
- Input sensitivity: 1.8mV (MM), 180mV (line)
- Signal to noise ratio: 78dB (MM), 90dB (line)
- Output: 775mV (line), 1.5V (Pre out)
- Dimensions: 440 x 137 x 362mm
- Weight: 14.5kg

You can see obvious design differences between the 2265 and 2265B. The 2265 below has a black dial face while the 2265B has a silver face. You’ll also notice the balance control on the 2265 is a slider while on the 2265B it’s a knob.

Another aspect that is different is the meter backlighting on the 2265B. You can see below that the meters on the 2265 are fully backlit while the meters on the 2265B have only the gauge cutout backlit.

I have to say that I prefer the 2265B over the 2265 but I don’t think there is a significant difference in the sound quality between the two receivers. I just prefer the look of the B version but the 2265 does have a nice symmetrical look to it with the slider in the middle.
The B version of the 2265 also has the Dolby decoder option.

Marantz build quality was very good up until the sale to Philips in 1980 after which cheaper components were used and quality went down. The 1970’s Marantz receivers are one of the most sought after brands amongst audio collectors next to Pioneer.

The 2265B, and 2265 for that matter, are very popular among collectors because they perform very well, look great and are reasonably priced.
Purchased a 2265B (Euro model) recently and have to say that I really love the looks and it’s sonics. Using it with a set of high quality bookshelf speakers and have come to prefer the sound over it’s big brother the 2325.
Also, kudos on a really great site. Glad it’s here!
Just realized I have a 2265b out in my studio. It hasn’t been touched in years. I do remember it sounded great hooked up to a pair of Klipsch speakers. I’ll have to fire it up and check it out. Might have to throw it up on eBay as I’m trying to clear things out around here.
I have a 2265b that is in nearly mint condition. I am using it at home with JVC SP-75BK speakers. I would like to sell it if the offer was right. My email address is dillondquinn at yahoo.ca. Thank you.
Did you sell your 2265B? I’m assuming you did.
Did you sell it yet?
I recently bought a 2265B. It sounds great through the Kenwood KL-5060 cabinet speakers that were thrown in on the deal. Please advise the voltage limits I’m looking at in replacing the old,burned out faceplate lamps with LED bulbs.
I just inherited some old receivers: Marantz 2265-b
They all light up but do not play ! Please advise. Also, does anybody service these things on Maui? Thanks,Bruce
Do you still have any of the stereo equipment? I would be interested in a Marantz.
In 2000 I took the 2265b I bought used in ’82 to a shop to have the balance adjustment fixed. The repair shop counter guy said Joe would look after it when he came back in a couple of days. I thought it odd that he felt it necessary to name the repair guy. Whatever!
I returned a week later, the counter guy said “wait, I’ll get Joe. Whatever!
Well, out comes an older guy with a stern look, carrying the 2265b, and he immediately accuses me of dropping my receiver. I was really taken aback by his accusation. I composed myself and responded that I could not remember ever dropping my amp. He persisted, he then turned it over and showed me that its bottom was bent inwards. I had not previously noticed this but, it was bent! He still sought an apology or acknowledgement from me; I kid you not. Yes, I was quite surprised at this entire interaction.
Well, I thought hard and remembered that years earlier that amp sat atop my speaker with another receiver atop it then a turn table upon that. This I told him must have pushed up the underside as the speaker was to small for the 2265’s feet to sit on so it rested on its metal underside.
He seemingly ignored my explanation and went on to tell me all the things he had repaired in addition to the one thing I asked to be fixed.
Led lights, a new antenna, etc.
It was like Joe considered my 2265 his 2265……. here’s why.
In the 70’s Joe worked at the factory assembling that amp in Ontario.
WOW. That’s cool.
Additionally, when that factory shutdown, Joe purchased 5 gallon pails of all the parts needed to make those amps.
So, the guy who built it in Ontario in the 70’s repaired it with original parts in Victoria in 2000.
I’ve maintained a nice friendship with Joe ever since.
Here’s an incredible thing about his early life.
Google ‘tearing down statue of Lenin Budapest” Amidst the thousands there are 3 guys at work cutting the statue apart. Joe is one of them.
Great story Mark. It’s people like Joe and you who make classic audio so interesting. Makes me want to get the back story on my Euro model 2265B that was brought back to the states by a service member. Thanks for sharing!
Love the story, all of it thanks.
Great story Mark! I live in Victoria as well, but I have a Marantz 2250B as my entry into this convo—love these stories!! Thanks for sharing!
I see stories like this all the time, most folks do not realize the love these men had for the products they made , a lot of Marantz were partly assemble in the US /Canada, tax law made it unprofitable to make anything past the 100 original prototypes in the US. I still work with a semi retired tech /quality control manger who worked in the Long Island facility, they made most of the group 1&2 Reciever and amps until NY forced than out in 78. My First semi large was the 2265. Had the b version. But both rock. I have never had a better sounding mid priced receiver . It really comes down to personal like of the faceplate set up.
That breed of tech is pretty much in the past, I , for one am sorry we have to see these tech /engineers pass. Another part of the golden age of audio.
Great story. Thank you for sharing.
Ironically I own a 2265B in need of a good overhaul. Where is Joe located and does he still do audio service??? Thanks
Muito legal , essa historia do MARANTZ 2265 B , por sinal , um excelente RECEIVER , ja possui um deste. O Joe , conhece o 2265 B , como ninguem , peça por peça. Na verdade , os aparelhos passam a ser , como filhos. Muito interessante essa historia. Imagino o prazer do Joe , em dar vida nova ao MARANTZ 2265 B.
English translation of above post. “Very cool, this story of MARANTZ 2265 B, by the way, an excellent RECEIVER, already has one of this. Joe, knows 2265 B, like nobody, piece by piece. In fact, the devices become like children. This story is very interesting. I imagine Joe’s pleasure in giving new life to MARANTZ 2265 B.”
I have a 2265 that I bought new in the 70s. Matched it up with a pair of Marantz HD 880 speakers at the time. Was the best sonic purchase I ever made. About 15 years ago it got put back in its original box and stored so that we could go to the surround sound experience. The 880s stayed in the room and hooked up to the second outputs on the theater receiver. Two weeks ago I got tired of the less than desirable reproduction of the newer receiver and broke the 2265 back out. Music has become music again. Turn down the lights, turn up the volume. There is no better.
I have a marantz 2265B stereophonic receiver that I would like to sell. It was my fathers and I inherited it when he passed away. It’s in mint condition and never used. Can you advise what this reviewer is worth right now? Thank you
Amy – If you are interested in selling I would be interested in buying it. you can email me at knight_ru (a) excite.com. I think the price would depend on the condition of the unit (to answer your Q).
It all depends on the condition of the unit – you can probably get a good idea off ebay or reverb. In the off-chance you live anywhere near me, I would be interested in buying it off you.
Interested in your reciver if you still have it thanks
Don’t take the bait, Ed. It seems like there is always a poser that states they have a mint and inherited receiver that they want to sell. Just scammers looking for business…
Mark, great story . I have a Marantz 2250B from my highschool days with the balance switch not functioning anymore. Does the individual you had mention have a new balance switch for this model? Thanks
I need a wall plug adapter for a Marantz euro Model 2265B. Can someone please point me in the right direction to procure one?
I purchased my 2265B shortly after graduating from high school in the mid-1970s and still have it, along with the original owners manual and specification sheet. It’s currently in my home office connected to my turntable (Technics SL-DL1 & Ortofon OMP30) and computer. I use it occasionally to dub albums into my computer and created mp3s. Other than replacing the lamps, it is all original and still works flawlessly. What a testament to the build quality!