Sansui G-4700

Sansui G-4700

This Sansui G-4700 is from their line of Pure Power DC receivers from the late 1970’s. It was at the bottom of their G-X700 line but still produced a respectable 50 watts per channel. Sansui had other budget oriented receivers at the time such as the G-301 and G-401 so the G-4700 was really in the middle of their performance lineup. It retailed for about $430.

Sansui G-4700 Left

The G-X700 line all featured a symmetrical layout with two big knobs a the center bottom of the face plate that control volume and tuning. It also has push buttons for FM Mode, Subsonic Filter, Loudness and Tape Monitor

Sansui G-4700 Right

The Sansui G-4700 looks alright when it’s powered off but hit the power switch and dim the lights and you’re in for a treat. It is one of the better looking receivers from the late 1970’s when lit up. Interestingly it has both digital and analog tuning displays. FM tuning is digitally quartz locked to prevent drift. The left and right peak power meters are also digital.

Sansui G-4700 Lamps

Inside, the G-4700 is laid out well. The design features Sansui’s exclusive DC technology in the power amplifier section. Phase distortion and other related amp problems are eliminated due to the fact that Sansui uses no capacitors in the amplifier circuit. The sound that goes into the amp circuit comes back out nice and clean and distortion free.

Sansui G-4700 Inside

If you’re thinking of buying a G-4700 there are a couple things you should keep in mind. First, they don’t particularly like to power speakers at less than 8 ohms or even two pair of 8 ohm speakers for that matter. There is a particular transistor that tends to heat rapidly when the receiver is under too heavy a load. Of course, many receivers will overheat if worked too hard so it’s not just a Sansui problem. Second, the digital display can fail. It is controlled with either one or two IC chips and they aren’t really replaceable without a donor parts unit. So, if the digital display is dead on the unit you’re considering you may want to pass.

Sansui G-4700 Ad

Overall, the Sansui G-4700 is a great sounding receiver with it’s tuning section being its strongest feature. Many G-4700 owners rave about the clean pure sound of this receiver. At 55 WPC it produces plenty of power for a moderately sized room and it has all the features you’ll most likely need.

Sansui G-4700 Back

Vintage Sansui receivers are highly sought after but fortunately quite a few were manufactured as well so most aren’t considered rare. If you’re looking for a mid range receiver with higher end performance then the G-4700 is certainly worth considering.

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14 thoughts on “Sansui G-4700

  1. The G-4700 is an under-rated receiver. It’s virtually perfect for its class. My prior Sansui receivers were a 5000X and 9090db. Yes those receivers have that ‘warm’ sound that is undeniable, highlighting 60’s nostalgia. Then I dove into the G series, starting with my G-4700. Immediately, I noticed the sound quality to be much clearer, “bright” sounding. The G-4700 delivers compact disc and digital media audio perfectly and has quickly become my favorite listening receiver. Okay, I suspect some are skeptical about the VFD(Vacuum Florescent Display) failing. A couple of things about VFD’s, they have a life of appx 30,000 hours and heat is the enemy on the microprocessor. Listening to digital media on Aux most of the time, the tuner display is not an issue. Amp transistor heat and failure, the G-4700 today is not a “crank it up” receiver and is more suited as a room listening receiver never pegging the VU meter past 5 at sustained levels. Utilizing a great set of 8ohm speakers with 92dB response or better, the volume will be plenty and G-4700 owners will be happy enjoying their music.

    1. Estoy punto de cerrar una compra por un G4700 mi deseo es tener un sansui de la Gx700 , que tendria que mirar o prestar atencion?

  2. hey gabe

    i have one – i’m original owner. never abused.
    it wont power on – any ideas?

    thanks in advance


  3. 20 years ago a neighbor gave be a dead G-4700. I replaced the dead power transistors and reverse engineered it enough to modify it with a set of 2n3773s to boost the output current, a more rational solution for an amp with a 92V rail-rail voltage. I’m not thrilled with the tone controls in the PA feedback, oh well, it works. But the switches are worn out so I need this schematic to decide how and if I’m going to fix it. Thanx!

  4. I have a Sansui G4700, vintage late 70’s. I am the only ower of the unit. I am trying to sell it off but have the right channel out. Suggestions. Maybe I should repair but where. I live in Carrollton, ga.

  5. Just took my sansui G 4700 out of the closet ,I’m the original owner and had many hours of music on this receiver ,but it blew a fuse and want to get it fixed so I can power it up to see all the lights and all the power it has , i bought it at crazy Eddie on long island ,it hasn’t been on in years but want to power it up again to hear some 80s rock , it’s a classic receiver

  6. Original owner, also problems with right channel. Comes and goes with some static. I used unit when originally purchased, but it was later placed in original box for sometime. I have now brought back out, looking forward to use, but need to get in good working order. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    1. Hi Stanley, the problem is the crapy input selector. It gets dirty very frequently. You only have to open the receiver and use some contact cleaner on the selector.
      I have a G-4700 and his companion SC-1300 recorder, the receiver is great with my Infinity speakers and a Polk Audio subwoofer.
      Hope you fix the problem!!

      1. I have a G-6700 with the same issue with the selector knob. When the right channel goes out, I jiggle the control knob and it comes back on. I’ll try your suggestion to see if it works. Thanks!

  7. Bought a Sansui G-4700 at a local yard sale about 10 years ago, it has become my favorite receiver/amp combo.
    It is hooked to my computer, I also am a musician, recording artist and using this receiver in this purpose as well cause I love it’s warm and still bright and clear sound.
    Had two problems so far with it that were easilly solved, the main light bulb of the front panel went out at some point, was an easy repair.
    Then started to get left channel going out sometimes, messing with the balance and selector knobs I figured they needed cleaning, volume control was also beginning to show signs of gathered dirt when using, cleaned all the pots and selector switches with contact cleaner, that did some good but still sometimes the left channel would go out…

    Removed the bottom pannel under the board of the unit and resoldered the selector control unit, case solved, left channel never went out again.

    Love this unit, great AM/FM receiver as well, with decent antenna sets, it can pick up incredible amount of stations in both bands.

  8. My father bought the G-4700 receiver new and I just acquired it. It was not used for years and it had the typical static and issues with the volume control. I was told to take the cover off and spray cleaner in the pots of the dials. I did that and after 5 minutes of working the knobs the unit works like new!

      1. DeOxit is probably the best. Look at the right side of this page and scroll down from the top and you should see a picture of it.

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