Sansui 7070


If you were a Sansui fan back in the golden era of audio you would dream of having the 9090DB which, at the time, was the flagship of Sansui’s lineup. However, if you were on a budget then you might have had to settle for the middle of the lineup which would have been this receiver – the Sansui 7070. While the 9090DB powered out a hefty 125 watts per channel the 7070 put out a respectable 60 watts per channel.


Ahead of the Sansui 7070 were the above mentioned 9090DB, the 9090 and the 8080. Below it were the 6060 and 5050. It features a simulated walnut grain veneer, two output meters and two tuning meters. It also has triple tone controls. It does not have Dolby circuitry like its bigger brothers the 9090DB and 8080DB though it does have a Dolby / 4ch adapter on the back panel. It has inputs for Phono MM I+II, Tape I+II, AUX and Mic.

Sansui 7070 Receiver

The 7070 was produced from late 1976 until 1979 and sold for over $500.00 when first released. It was a very popular unit for Sansui.


The 7070 weighs in at just over 36 pounds and is 19.76 x 6.14 x 14.60 inches. The 7070 is a well built receiver and in addition to being fairly easy to work on parts are easy to find as well.


There are a few drawbacks to the 7070. Its case is press board with glued on vinyl cover and this tends to crack, flake, and peel over time. It’s also known for some cold solder joints which can cause the lights to intermittently go on and off. Most of these problems can be easily fixed however.


The lamps in 7070 are listed in the service manual as:

0400200 Dial Pointer Lamp   6.3V   75mA

0420040 Lamp  7V  320mA

0400450 Stereo Indicator Lamp  7V  100mV


Sansui receivers are, of course, very popular with collectors today. The 9090DB is one of the most sought after receivers around. Those not looking for a monster receiver can find a unit such as the 7070 or 6060 to be very desirable.

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39 thoughts on “Sansui 7070

  1. I have two reconditioned 7070’s that I bought from eBay in 2003. Each was about $150. Fantastic amps… been using them constantly since I got them. One drives a set of 6.5″ bookshelf speakers and the other a set of dual 6″ towers. Big, clean power with lots of headroom… AM tuner could be better though, but that’s me…

    1. Would you like to trade one for a sansui 5050.??
      Paid 350.00 on eBay.. Looking to upgrade to a 7070..💯
      Had a 7070 in 1980.very nice

      1. Actually have a 7070 for sale. Have two 8080 and one 9090db as well. Those will not be ready right now. The 7070 currently running. Call Gary at 608-201-9114

        1. Hey Gary, where are you at with the 8080 & 9090db? Are you planning to sell. I would be interested for sure.

        2. I need a face plate and a tape function knob. I have had my 7070 for a couple of years,been recapped, tuned- up ,working ,sounding good, only problem with the face plate is the original owner carved his dog tag # under the tape function knob. Also knob is not correct. So I’m a looking for these.

        3. Hi looking for 8080 or 9090 working condition James in Mississauga Ontario Canada. Or any other pre out unit. 4165535091

    2. Well in the 70’s I had a tuned AM antenna. No AM receiver does very well with the included dipole antenna. If you look on the back of the unit it has a connector for an external AM antenna. Read up on what length antenna you need and hook it up. you will be astonished by the improved reception. Even using a CB antenna will dramatically improve your reception, even though the bandwidth is different. The tuned frequency range of a CB antenna is close enough to very helpful. It will increase reception ability by more than 60%.

  2. I have a 7070 it lights up but will play for 10 seconds then stop but stays powered up.anyone know what it could be.or I will sell for what it is.

    1. This is classic of a bad transistor. Most Sansui have a protect circuit. So when the transistor gets hot it shuts the unit down to prevent more damage. The lights and tuning meters, etc will stay on. Take this to someone who specifically does classic audio. If you are near Rockford Ill, I use Sounds Classic (Video Lab). Keep this unit of until you get it repaired. Applying power will further the damage. This repair should run you 100 to 500 depending how extensive the problem.

  3. I have had the Sansui 7070 for forty years. It has travelled with me through my journey of life . I purchased it when I was 19 and lived in a studio apartment. It played in my next (larger) apartment, my next 2 homes, and finally it is now playing in the living room of my 2650 sq. foot home. It sounded sweet in my little studio apartment, and it commands respect in my present home. In other words, it was quiet enough when I lived in a small apartment, and it fills my present two story home with sound that spills into my front yard and intersecting streets. The sound is as amazing now as ever, perhaps better. It only required service once!

    1. I purchased my Sansui 7070, Kenwood KL-777D speakers & a Sansui 535 turntable when I was 18, in the USN, and stationed in Hawaii. I bought it b4 I had a single piece of furniture. I slept on the floor for months. I didn’t regret it one bit. Still don’t.

      1. I can understand that. I bought a Sansui G8000 while at a pawn shop while stationed in Camp Lejuene in 1980. It was in mint condition (it was less Than a year old), paid $400 and was making a paltry $638 a month in the USN. I skipped a months car payment to afford it. Had it for 15 years and sold it to a good friend for $400 when I transferred overseas. Still regret it today. I’ve been trying to find another but they are pretty expensive now.
        I now have a small collection, a; Sansui 7070, Sansui 4900Z, Onkyo TX 2500, Onkyo TX 2500 MKII, Yamaha CR 640, Onkyo TX NR509, Technics , a few others and several sets of Speakers from Polk Audio power port’s, Bose AM5’s, Bose AM6’s, KLH floor standing loudspeakers, and various others.
        I’ve recently started to thin my collection a bit in preparation for my holy grail a Sanaui G8000, anyone interested in any of the units I’ve mentioned email me:
        The Sansui 7070 with the KLH speakers is by far the most amazing setup of them all. The sound reproduction is incredible. But then, I’ve always been a huge fan of Sansui.
        I should mention that I’m not quite ready to part with my Sansui 7070.

  4. I have a Vintage Sansui Stereo including a Sansui 7070 receiver, Sansui SR 1050C manual belt drive turntable W/Shure Cartridge and stylus, a pair of Sansui 5500 Speakers and a pair of Sansui 7500 Speakers…
    I first heard Sansui in a stereo that my cousin brought back from his deployment overseas during Vietnam…I was determined to get one for myself..,I love it and it sounds spectacular!

    1. Sansui 7070 in nice receiver. You will be hard pressed to find a better phono preamp. They used the same one across many different models. Even if you upgrade to the 9090 or 9090db, you are not going to get any hearable improvement. I have a 9090db. The only difference really is bias and tone control settings. Below clipping the 7070 sounds just as good as the 8080, 8080db, 9090, 9090db. The 8080 series will give you considerably more head room at high volumes and the 9090 series will really vibrate the walls. And frankly rattle things off the top of furniture. The 7070 I tested ran clear peaks at 110W/channel. If your neighbors are close the 8080 and 9090 series will rattle their windows. 8080 runs peaks of up to 200W/channel and the 9090/9090db will run peaks well in excess of 300W/channel

  5. My wife just bought me a Sansui 7070 swear it’s brand new has box original paperwork does not appear to even be slightly used $465 she found it on a site and happen to be going to see her parents and the girl had it right down the road I am impressed I have a 7070 already little beat up but just recently serviced that I will be selling but my money short of a 90 90 or 80 80 this is the best unit available today

  6. I have a 7070 I need to sell, downsizing. It works well and have the manuals and a pair of
    Quadraflex ST-17 speakers. I purchased them at Pacific Stereo in Berkeley, Ca in 1978.

  7. Hola soy Danilo y vivo en Santiago de Chile, quisiera comprar un receiver Sansui 8080 db, alguien tiene algún dato o interés en vender uno? Gracias!

  8. I have a sansui 7070 that I have had since 1979 and it is new still in the box . I played it for 3 months and lighting struck near my house and my sansui has no sound and I just put it in the closet and just dug it out yesterday it is in new shape but has no sound can anybody help me please

    1. Did you ever get this resolved?

      First thing I would do is check all of the fuses.
      Then plug in a pair of headphones and see if you get sound.

  9. Hello I have a working Sansui 7070 which I bought in 1979 as a teenager. It works. One light in the blue radio bar has gone out and has been out for 20 years. If anyone is interested please reply. Thanks.

    1. is it still for sale? how much would you want for it?
      My son may be able to fix it.

          1. Hi Yvonne,
            I don’t get notification emails from this site either so I check back periodically. I’m located in La Grange IL. You can email me at Thanks.

  10. Hi, I have a vintage Sansui 7070 that my father owned. Ready to sell on eBay but not sure of a reasonable price point. I’ve seen posts ranging from $300 to $1000+. Not used since 2012 but it should be in fully working order. I’ll need to clean it up before posting pics. Any advice?

  11. I am looking for the volume/balance control assy for a 7070. I believe the p/n is 1060320-1.
    Common failure for 7070, can’t get the volume on one channel down. If someone has one for sale or knows how to repair the control, I would greatly appericate!

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