The McIntosh 1700 is a hybrid receiver. It has a solid state preamp and amp sections but a tube tuner section. Made from 1967 until 1973 it retailed for $599.00. It is rated at 40 watts per channel in to 8 ohms. The retro futuristic design of the knobs is a distinct feature of the McIntosh which went by the wayside during the 70’s when the clean Tech look came in to vogue.
While McIntosh was known for its build quality and reliability there are a few idiosyncrasies related to these units. The power switch was integrated into the volume knob. Many of these switches have long since failed. Replacement parts are not available so many owner’s bypass the switch and use an external switch such as a power strip to turn the unit on or off.
- Automatic stereo switching
- Flywheel tuning, for best of operation and precise tuning
- D’Arsonval tuning meter for accurate center of channel tuning
- Muting; IF injected circuit with at least 50db quieting between stations
- Nuvistor RF amplifier, Nuvistor mixer
- Four states of IF amplification, with AGC used to insure that limiting occurs only in the limiter stages
- Two limiter stages used for exceptional capture ratio and smooth muting operation
- Multiplex filter and SCA filter, to suppress 19KC and 38KC signal components at least 40db below program and to suppress 67KC SCA by 60db for superior, whistle free tape recording
- Noise rejecting logic circuit used to activate MPX stereo light and automatic stereo switching on 19KC stereo pilot signal only
- Antenna inputs for 300 ohm balanced (for twin lead) and 75 ohm unbalanced (for coaxial
- cable)

Early versions of the McIntosh 1700 controlled Loudness via a switch and had one set of speaker outputs. Later versions moved the loudness control to the Balance knob and incorporated 2 speaker outputs in back.
The McIntosh 1700 sells for $600-$1100 depending upon condition and optional wood case.
How much does the Mac – 1700 sell for today and is it available for purchase?
I just bought a mint later version with the loudness control on the balance knob and the 2 speaker outputs in back for $1,500. They usually sell for around $1,000 plus or minus $200 depending on the condition. Usually in clean shape they sell for around $700 to $800. I paid top dollar for mine because it was in like brand new condition cosmetically and electrically.
What plugs does the Mac 1700 have? (I have this Mac 1700 but all plugs from “everything” are all mixed up and I don’t remember how to hook up the Mac 1700 to the speakers :( Can anyone help me – PLEASE??
Speakers are connected with spades or bare wires to the center two of four screws for each side contained in Bakelite housing. Standard RCA plugs engage with RCA sockets on right rear. Connect two wires from FM antenna to the two 750 screws on antenna placard. Position all small square sliding switches on front at top. Turn volume switch past clock to energize, count to five for tubes to warm up, tune to favorite station, be amazed by soothing sound.
The 1700 is NOT a McIntosh! Frank McIntosh made it clear that it was not a McIntosh by naming it a MAC.
Incorrect. I’ve had a 1700 for 35 years that’s been in the family since 1968 and it’s definitely a McIntosh. The old man was partial to separates and didn’t like receivers so he required the ‘Mac’ name which the company ditched the year after the founder died. But the 1700 was designed and built in Binghampton the same as their other products.
Hello, how does the MAC 1700 mount in the wood cabinet, I don’t see pan locks on the front? Thank you