Marantz 2240

Marantz 2240

Produced in 1974 this Marantz 2240 had a list price of $449.95.  It had the option of the WC-22 wood case and weighs just over 30 pounds. It puts out a modest 40 watts per channel in to 8 ohms. It features both tuning and signal meters as well as a phono input and two tape inputs. It also has separate Bass, Treble and Mid controls, Dolby FM, Muting and High/Low filter controls.

Marantz 2240 Back

Marantz receivers are very popular with collectors and audio enthusiasts. The Marantz 2240 is a low to mid range model but still sells for decent money. Both the 2240 and 2240b (a revised version of the 2240) can sell for up to $900 in excellent working condition.  More commonly they will sell for around $400 in average used condition.

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24 thoughts on “Marantz 2240

      1. I have a marantz 2240B with the wood case. It is been babied for years but is ready
        to go to a new home. Let me know if you or anyone else is interested

        1. Hello Sara is the Marantz model 2240 still available? If so how much are you asking for it? Is there any issues with it like burned out bulbs non working functions …etc

        2. Hi Sara. Did you sell your Marantz? I’m asking because I have the same model plus cabinet and am curious as to what it’s worth. I’m seeing a wild range of prices on the internet.


  1. Thanks for posting this information. My brother, now deceased, had one of these and I recently found it. I will be testing it out soon, then either using it or posting it up for sale on an auction site (not sure I have the space for it). Looking for tips on how to resurrect it from storage of about thirty (30) years!

  2. 2240 just had the vellum and led lights installed. Sounds great. while servicing I scratched the front panel between the bass and treble knob.. has wood case.. one stain on upper right side… Looks beautiful…..

  3. Anyone looking for a Marantz 2240 for parts? Don’t know if it works or not. Powers on but not tested. Willing to sell for parts.
    $250 plus shipping

  4. I am looking for a vintage Marantz receiver from the 1970’s for parts or not working to have restored.

    Thank You


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