Taking a step back into Quad territory this is the Technics SA-8000x Quad receiver. Not the most stylish receiver it was offered from late 1973 until early 1975. It is rated at 13 watts per channel into 4 channels and 36 watts per channel into two channels (though I have seen some ratings at 16 and 42 wpc). The manufacturer’s suggested retail price was around $550.00.
The SA-8000x measures 19 5/8 inches x 13 3/4 inches x 6 1/8 inches. It accommodated both CD-4 (Discreet) and SQ (Matrix) decoding.

A reconditioned Technics SA-8000x recently sold for $284 (8-26-2019). They generally sell for $350-$400. A recent sale in June of 2023 was for $320.
I picked up my SA-8000X last week at a Salv. Army auction for $18.00. It appears to have spent much of its life in an enclosed cabinet,and while VERY dusty, it’s in great shape cosmetically. It seems a lil’ bit weak in the left channel and I’m curious to see if a good dose of Deoxit and some lube with bring the left side back online fully. Any input?
I’d definitely try blowing out the dust and the DeOxit first. More often then not the DeOxit will do the trick. If not you might try the guys over at AudioKarma.org. They know there stuff and can probably help you out.
Would you suggest/recommend a rookie not try
the Deoxit method on his own as a first try?
A rookie can definitely try the DeOxit method. In fact it’s one of the first things to try, rookie and pro alike. It’s simple if the potentiometers are easily accessible. If they aren’t, well, then it can be a little more difficult. Sometimes you have to twist the plastic tube for the Deoxit in strange ways.
I have the SA-8000, it was in storage for years, when it went in, it was working fine, now I can not even seem to get power to it, nothing happens at all when I turn it on. Any Ideas?
I have an SA-8000 4 channel I bought new, that I still use everyday matched up to a Teac turntable, a Technics cd player and a set of Bose 701 speakers, got rid of my pioneer cassette player about 10 years ago haha
I have the SA 8000, had it in storage for many years, it still looks brand new, have the manual as well. That being said, I can not get it to come on when I press the power button, I do not get any thing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have a Technics SA-8500X in superb condition. Technical as Optical.
With the original owners-manual
What’s the price i can ask
I need some bulbs for my Technics SA-8500X Reciever. They are across the whole top of the Dial. They are called Grain of Wheat Bulbs & the bulb in Dial Pointer is burnt out also. Technics used them in SA-8000X, SA-8100X Reciever’s also. Can someone help me out?