Sansui Eight

Sansui Eight

This is the Sansui Eight which is part of the Sansui single digit series. The series consisted of the Six, Seven, Eight and Eight Deluxe. Most likely the Eight was the first to hit the market  in the early to mid 70’s ollowed shortly thereafter by the other models.

The Sansui Eight featured 60 watts per channel in to 8 ohms. Another nice feature was the relay operated speaker protection circuit which protected speakers from abnormal output levels and mutes output when powering on or off. It has a 4 gang FM tuner and a 3 gang AM tuner.

Sansui Eight Inside

The Sansui single digit series was very well built and had fantastic switching capabilities. It measures 17.5 x 6 x 13 and weighs in at around 36 pounds.

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These receivers sell for $500.00-$950.00 depending upon condition and functionality.

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6 thoughts on “Sansui Eight

  1. An error in the article. The Sansui Eight is 60 watts per channel. It is the Sansui Eight Deluxe that is 50 watts per channel.

  2. My Sansui Eight has no relay as well. I have had 2 of them, neither with relay. The early ones had none is my understanding.

  3. Buen día por favor si me pueden ayudar donde consigo el selector de speaker del modelo sansui eight agradezco su atención

  4. I can confirm that the early eights did not have relay but they started adding them later on. Mine has one. These things are even better built than receivers which are said to be built like tanks. Its easily over 30lbs by the feel. These are capacitor coupled. The Eight Deluxe was direct coupled and said to sound a bit better but not as well built. The sound is less warm and romantic than the 2000x but slightly more detailed. Still has the classic cap coupled sound just more neutral than the 2000x. As far as build quality these are in the highest class with the Pioneer x50 series, Sansui au-x500, perhaps G-xooo series, Harmon Kardon. A highly recommended receiver.

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