This Pioneer SX-626 is a great looking receiver and was the mid-range offering from Pioneer around 1971. It was out of production by 1973. While it is considered mid level it really is built with the same quality as Pioneer’s upper end stereos. It just has fewer features and less power output. It retailed for around $339 and produced 27 watts per channel into 8 ohms.

The SX-626 has the usually look of early 70’s Pioneer’s just before they moved to the white dial face and amber lighting. As you can see it has the basic features you’d want in a receiver and nothing fancy. One interesting note is that the tuning meter light stays off until you switch to FM then the light comes on.

It’s fairly small at 18″ x 14″ x 6″ and weighs in at 22 pounds. You’ll hear many people who’ve heard it say it has a very warm and rich sound. It is most often compared to the Marantz 2230 and Pioneer owners even prefer it over that unit. Of course, when you own a stereo it tends to be the best sounding stereo around right? Nonetheless, the SX-626 is a great little stereo and can hold its own with all the other top end brand names of the time. It is capacitive coupled, which gives that rich sound. Later Pioneers receivers were direct coupled.

Uh oh! As you can see it has the dreaded Pioneer speaker input plugs. These require adapters that, many times, are missing. They can be found fairly regularly of eBay HERE.
As you can see the inside is well laid out and the power section even has a mesh grill cover. If you find an SX-626 that sounds less than stellar, you might consider replacing the capacitors and possibly some of the transistors. This will clean up the sound quite a bit.

Of course, Pioneer receivers are always in demand as they are one of the most popular brands for collectors. The SX-626 is also in demand from those who just want a great sounding vintage receiver for home use.
If you’re interested in the restoration of the Pioneer SX-626 then check out this video…
Just wondering, has anyone ever tried twisting one of the terminals on a 2-prong wall plug 90 degrees, and making that into one of these Pioneer speaker plugs? I don’t have one of these units, but just by looking at the photos, it looks like that might work, maybe after filing down the metal a bit?
Yes. I did exactly that. I also just jammed the wire into the sockets and it worked too.
If you do the plug method you need to twist one prong around and file the other one down to fit.
Good luck it’s a great little stereo, I found mine in someone’s trash and it works great!!!!
The video above mentioned that you can get some plugs for next to nothing from mouser that work work in place of the OEM plugs. I did the same and it works perfect for my SX-626.
Part #538-P-303H-CCT, they run about $4 a piece.
9.50 now inflation of 6 years same as on EBAY
Just looking at this PDF, wouldn’t you want the 304H?
Please get your hands on some Akai units
I bought my Pioneer SX-626 new in 1973, and have a Pioneer CT-F4242 Cassette Deck. Both are nice in appearance, but need work. Also have my original Pioneer large speakers. Would you have any ideas on who could use these? Thank you
The Pioneer SX-626 was my initial introduction into the world of Hi-Fi (or more appropriately high fidelity). I bought it in 1971, while still in high school, along with a beautiful set of walnut ElectroVoice floor speakers, and a Dual turntable. Enjoyed many hours of tunes, in the basement of my parents, playing pool and ‘chillin’ with my friends. The Pioneer was a great receiver. Love to sit for hours staring at the lights of the tuner listening to the great sounds, of our now classics, of the 70’s. This brings back great memories.
This looks like a great little receiver. I just picked up a sx 3000 that from what I have read is the same thing as this but was made for military bases and I am guessing not as common. I am wondering if anyone knows if there is a difference between the two models, or just cosmetic and if anyone might know the production amount for the sx-3000.
I just bought an sx-3000. It should have more power than the sx-626. 2×35 W / 8Ω. It’s a beautiful receiver! Sorry for my english :-). Good luck!
I have one that I bought new in 71-72……… still worked great until recently when I had a friend go through and replace the caps., bias etc…….. now it sounds AWESOME.
It’s funny how one can become attached to “an old friend” but it has been reliable for 45 years and I think it will outlast me and be ready for my grandson. BTW it is coupled with Pioneer CS 99A speakers that are about to go through a little cleaning as well…… still rockin’
I’ve had SX-626 for seven years and have had no problems with it, until recently. I moved and purchased new speaker wire. When I hooked up my speakers with the new wire, no sound was coming out of the speakers or the headphones. Though I’ve had the receiver for many years, this is the first time I’ve had to troubleshoot something with it. The receiver turns on and gets an FM reception (the needle moves while tracking) but I’m not sure if it’s just a speaker wire problem or if there is something I’m missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi Pat! First, check out the two jumpers between “pre-out” and “main”, they may lose in the moving.
The SX-626 was also my first component stereo — received it back in 1971 as a Christmas gift. I paired it with Advent loudspeakers and it was a big jump up from my cheap all-in-one stereo outfit. It never gave me any problems until years later, when I got the static, crinkling noises from some of the knobs and switches. I spray the pots but didn’t quite eliminate the noises. Also, over the years the sound became a bit muddy, I suppose from deterioration of some of the components. I bought a used stereo system with another Pioneer receiver around 1988 and put the 626 in storage. I eventually donated it to a thrift store. It was nice while it lasted.
There are certain pushbutton speaker terminals that will Precisely fit
in place of the original sockets, which should be saved, Not thrown away.
No modification required — all you need is a soldering iron and a screwdriver.
I converted my SX-525 many years ago.
The hardest part is finding the Right pushbutton terminals, but they Are out there .
Will the 626 be Sufficient power to push advent 4ohm Speakers and a sub or do I need to Get a receiver with a larger power rating if so what would be ideal thanks